While schools on Bainbridge Island claim that only a few kids have actually opted out of the SBAC test, a poll on the Home page of the local paper shows that nearly 60% of the 96 people are opposed to the SBAC test and would opt their kids out of the test.

In addition to nearly all of the students at several high schools in Seattle opting out of the SBAC test, a student led movement in Bellingham has lead to more than half of the students at their two high schools opting out of the SBAC test. We would like to thank all of the students and parents who have visited our website, downloaded the opt out form and then had the courage to opt out of the SBAC test. This is democracy in action. Hopefully your voices will be heard in Olympia! Together we can and eventually will eliminate the toxic SBAC test in Washington state!
David Spring M. Ed.
Opt Out Washington (dot) org.